How was this website made?

This website was made with Python/Flask, GUnicorn, Nginx, and Docker, and it all runs on an Amazon Web Services EC2 server in the cloud. This is my third website: the first website was built using Java on a Payara webserver, while the second website was built using Django/Python on an Apache webserver.

The foundation for this website was written and built in about three days. I used this template from GitHub as a basis for the project: it helped me figure out the Docker configurations necessary to get a simple Flask / GUnicorn / Nginx system working.

The Flask app, clocking in at 57 lines of Python code, is short and simple. The only goal of the Flask app is to route users and fill in HTML templates. Almost no configuration was necessary for GUnicorn, so the Python portion of this project is very small.

The HTML, CSS, and Javascript code was all written by hand with no frameworks or libraries. Small pieces of code were appropriated from the Internet, and I tried my best to reference them in the source files as I used them. The website was designed with accessibility in mind: I consistently referenced tools such as the WebAIM contrast checker, and WAVE.

The template, while helpful, did not provide any method for HTTPS encryption on the webserver. To solve this, I added a third Docker container to manage Certbot - a free SSL/TLS certificate generation service provided by the Electronic Frontifer Foundation.

Where's the source code?

The source code can be found on GitHub - I open sourced the project so that other people can see the code and use it as a launching-off point for their own websites. I'm considering splitting the project into two repositories - one for the webserver (focused primarily on Nginx and Docker), and one for the content of the website itself (the Flask app and HTML files). I have not made up my mind on how I'm going to accomplish this yet.